Structure of capital

Information on the number of shareholders of Novorossiysk Grain Plant, PJSC: 255 (including the nominal holder of shares of Novorossiysk Grain Plant, PJSC) as of 31.08.2021 (the date of compiling the list of persons included in the last list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting of shareholders of Novorossiysk Grain Plant, PJSC).

Information on the number of voting shares of Novorossiysk Grain Plant, PJSC: 67,597,000.        

Information on the number of shares held by Novorossiysk Grain Plant, PJSC and legal entities controlled by it: 0.

Information on persons who own shares of Novorossiysk Grain Plant, PJSC that make up five percent or more of the authorized capital or ordinary shares of Novorossiysk Grain Plant, PJSC:

  1. United Grain Company, Joint Stock Company - 50.9993%;
  2. Demetra Holding, Limited Liability Company - 35.36334%.

The executive bodies of Novorossiysk Grain Plant, PJSC declare that there is no information in Novorossiysk Grain Plant, PJSC about the existence of shares holding more than five percent, in addition to those already disclosed by Novorossiysk Grain Plant, PJSC.

There is no information on the possibility of acquisition or acquisition by certain shareholders of the degree of control disproportionate to their participation in the authorized capital of Novorossiysk Grain Plant, PJSC, including on the basis of joint-stock agreements.